
Brazing Cutting Tool with Induction

Brazing Cutting Tools with Induction Objective: To braze cone and shaft for a cutting tool Material Customer supplied parts Temperature indicating paint Braze preforms Temperature 1300 - 1400 ºF (704 – 760 °C) Frequency 400 kHz Equipment: DW-UHF-6kw-I, 250-600 kHz induction heating system, including remote heat station using two 0.66 μF capacitors (total 1.32 μF) A two-position, two-turn induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application. Process: Two sets of parts are placed in the individual coils. Braze preforms are placed on the cone at the joint. The assembled part is placed inside the induction heating coil and heated until the braze melts. Results/Benefits: efficient coil design enables simultaneous heating of two parts on the single 2kW system. dual braze is accomplished within required process time, increasing process throughput




HLQ induction heating machine manufacturer provides the service of induction brazing,melting,hot forming,hardening surface,annealing,shrink fitting,PWHT,etc.