high frequency induction brazing carbide tip onto steel head teeth process

Induction Brazing Equipment
DW-UHF-10kw induction brazing machine
Customized induction heating coil
• Steel working head teeth
• Brazing paste
Key Parameters
Power: 4.5 kW
Time: 6 seconds
Induction Brazing Process:
- Brazing paste is put on the tool
- The steel working head teeth are attached.
- The assembly is positioned in the three-turn coil.
- The assembly is heated.
- The joint is completed in 6 seconds.

- Strong durable joints
- Selective and precise heat zone, resulting in less part distortion and joint stress than welding
- Less oxidation
- Faster heating cycles
- More consistent results and suitability for large volume production
- Safer than flame brazing
Induction Brazing Carbide Tipping is a specific brazing process by which a hardened tip material is applied to a base material to produce an extremely hard cutting edge. When using induction heating, the tipping material is brazed to the base material with temperatures up to 1900F.